Recruiting via social media: this is how to reach latent jobseekers
When we say that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find staff, we are kicking in an open door. Hiring managers in all kinds of sectors notice the tightness of the job market every day: publishing a vacancy on the well-known job boards no longer generates applicants. How can social media help?
Who do you reach through social media?
On the one hand, there are more and more job vacancies. On the other hand, there are fewer and fewer jobseekers; the pond in which all these organisations fish is getting smaller. Those who publish on well-known jobsites like VDAB, Indeed or Jobat do reach actively job-seeking candidates. But this is only a small percentage of potential candidates. If you want to reach the non-active jobseekers, social media is the quickest way.
How do you recruit through social media?
Recruiting via social media is more than just sharing jobs on your LinkedIn page. You want to use social media to make your employer brand known to the world: what is it like to work for your company? What are your values? Make sure potential applicants become fans of you as an employer.
Within Select Group, EN HR solutions is busy with recruitment via social media every day. From targeted campaigns for vacancies to reaching a specific target group or setting up an employer brand. We asked our colleagues from EN HR solutions for some tips.
Tip 1: Use the right channel
Want to attract a young audience? Then it is best to create an account on Instagram or TikTok. Experienced sales and HR profiles are usually more likely to be found on LinkedIn, technical profiles can be reached on Facebook. Of course, this is very simplistic, also consider location, sector, age category. Test, measure and adjust your channels.
Tip 2: Don’t limit your postings to exclusively vacancies
Use your social media to give an insight into your company. Share what you stand for as a company, show what it is like to work for your organisation. That way, you’ll get people excited about joining your team even before a vacancy is shared. If you only share job vacancies, your followers will not know what it is like to work for you and will be less likely to apply.
Tip 3: Think one step further
A cool ad is nice, but also make sure candidates can take a follow-up step. Do you direct them to your website? Then make sure they can easily view the vacancy and apply there. Want to make it even easier for candidates? Let them apply without asking for a mandatory CV. Many visitors who come via social media do so on their phones and do not have a CV at hand. Make your website and application process mobile-friendly.
Are you unable to reach the right candidates via social media? Call in the help of EN HR solutions. They are experts in finding out where your potential candidate is and know how to reach him or her with the right advertisements.
Get in touch via our website or check out EN HR solutions’ website.
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